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Decorate Your Property with Colors

Paint Colors to Avoid

Paint Colors to Avoid

Finding the perfect color for your property can become a big dilemma. We always want to choose a color that brightens up the property, makes it look elegant, and even that help trick the eye in making a room appear larger. When it comes to finding the perfect paint colors, there are always a couple things that you should avoid, even colors themselves. To our criteria, here are some paint colors that you should steer clear from.

All White

Sure, we know how a white area of a home like the kitchen can make for a seemingly clean and pure environment, but it gets so boring. White, if not contrasted with other color schemes, can tend to look dull and overdone, and nobody wants that. You need to liven up the property by complimenting the white with other shades. Try complimenting white with dark shades of blue, red, and hey, even yellow!

Gray and Beige

If you opt for a gray or beige wall decorating your property, you are choosing the most monotone choice possible. If you insist on choosing either color, then keep in mind what we advised for the white walls, you must add some accent. If you don’t add more dimension to the wall colors then it will just bring a rooms ambience down, take it from us. Don’t be afraid to add some metallic touches to the mix, and this will go a long way.

Don’t Overdo It with Red

Although we are great fans of red, as this color just gives off a prestigious vibe, there are some people who simply over-do it with red. And well, not just red, but one color in general and sticking to it throughout the whole area makes a room look awful. The key is always to compliment tones that go well with one another.

Keep these tips in mind when choosing a color for your walls and you’ll pick the best choices.

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