When a paint job did not properly cure or develop a hard surface it can be quite a problem- - we know. If you are currently in this situation, don’t worry. Today you will learn how to dry tacky paint quicker. Tacky paint is an issue because it causes blocking and furthermore, it even collects dust. Not to worry though, here is all that you need to know on how to dry tacky paint quicker...
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You decided to take on some home improvements, and on the top of your to do list is change the color plastered on your interior or exterior walls. When it comes to home improvements, painting is perhaps one of the most efficient and cost effective ways of making a huge difference in both appeal and value. The sad part is when we begin to notice the paint job slowly but surely begin to fade away. Have you ever questioned as to why paint fades? If you have ever asked yourself that question, here are the main reasons as to why paint fades overtime...
You decided to take on some home improvements, and on the top of your to do list is change the color plastered on your interior or exterior walls. When it comes to home improvements, painting is perhaps one of the most efficient and cost effective ways of making a huge difference in both appeal and value. The sad part is when we begin to notice the paint job slowly but surely begin to fade away. Have you ever questioned as to why paint fades? If you have ever asked yourself that question, here are the main reasons as to why paint fades overtime...
Some things are inevitable, among those inevitable things we have dirty walls. Whether we like it or not, our walls get filled with dust, dirt, and grime- - especially if you have energetic kids running up and down, a pet here and there who likes to place its dirty paws on the wall, and so on. The good thing about all of this is actually that there is ...
When it comes to our painting projects we are often torn between choosing water based paint or pil based paint. Throughout the years both of these paint choices have proven to have both their benefits and their drawbacks- - but which is better for your project and personal needs? If you are currently contemplating over oil based paint and water based paint, then you came to the right place. Today we will be listing some pros and cons of both choices- - potentially helping you make the best choice for your painting project. Let’s Begin!!...
You are standing there dazed at the many paint color options you have staring in front of you- - How will you pick? We have all been there. If you have ever been a tad confused at the paint counter, we know how you feel. The choices seem endless, so how do you know you are picking the right one? Believe it or not, there is a way to pick the best paint color, and to do that you must ask yourself these questions before choosing paint....
Many home owners put exterior painting to a halt, but should the same be done for interior painting? Many people may not be aware that snow and cold days are actually a great time to paint. Sure, for exterior paint job we need to wait a little for the temperature to get a little warm out, but for interior painting, winter is the ideal. At this point some of you may be asking why or how can winter be the perfect time for interior painting, and don’t worry we’ll get there! Here are some of the reasons that winter is the best time for interior painting....
If you are anything like me, I have attempted to perform exterior painting on my own just to possibly save myself a couple of bucks. But man, was I wrong. It took the hard way for me to realize that an exterior paint job had to be done by a professional in order for it to look good and last longer. In a matter of weeks I was looking at an exterior paint job that had faded, and even peeled in some areas. We don’t want this to happen to you, therefore here are some tips on how to make your paint job last longer...
With winter here, we experience drastic weather conditions. From snowing, raining, to high winds, our paint job in our property’s exterior is obligated to face it all. So, this leads up to the question, “Is there any way to protect your paint job during winter?” The good news is that there is a way and how to protect your paint job, and we’ll be sharing it with you today.
Finding the perfect color for your property can become a big dilemma. We always want to choose a color that brightens up the property, makes it look elegant, and even that help trick the eye in making a room appear larger. When it comes to finding the perfect paint colors, there are always a couple things that you should avoid, even colors themselves. To our criteria, here are some paint colors that you should steer clear from.
Psychologists today tend to believe that the color scheme in your living space has an impact on the wellbeing of you and your family in one way or another. From impacting behaviors to moods, the wall color that we go for has a lot to do with how we feel at often times. Sounds crazy doesn’t it? But it is true! The color you opt for on your interior...
It has been proven scientifically, that the classroom’s ambience affects the success of a student in the long run. From the condition of the building to the paint color we opt for in the classroom; these all play fundamental factors in the behaviors of students. With that being said, what colors should you consider your classrooms to be in for the well-being of the students? ...
When it comes to interior painting, we always want to have a beautiful color that ties rooms together, am I right? And when the color begins to fade out and look dull, we begin to ask what we could’ve done to make the paint last for a couple of more years. Well, no need to stress over dying colors, today we will be going over tips and tricks to make that interior paint look as vivid and stunning as ever and how make it last longer...
When it comes to interior painting, we always want to have a beautiful color that ties rooms together, am I right? And when the color begins to fade out and look dull, we begin to ask what we could’ve done to make the paint last for a couple of more years. Well, no need to stress over dying colors, today we will be going over tips and tricks to make that interior paint look as vivid and stunning as ever and how make it last longer...
Believe it or not, there are certain color schemes that trick the eye into believing that a room is larger than what it actually is. Today we will be going over 3 colors that can help you disguise a small bedroom, living, or kitchen, and make it appear as a sufficiently spaced area. Let’s get started!

White walls will always make a room appear large because of its versatile features. White is a shade that doesn’t clash with the rest of the colors, and goes with every color scheme that you can think of. Not to mention how well it plays with dark and dramatic furniture. White walls may sound boring, but it doesn’t have to be. White walls allow for you to add some accent to them while not compromising the appearance of a bigger room.

When opting for yellow interior walls, I must mention how you need to look for a neutral. You never want to go to dark or too bright of a yellow. A subtle shade will go a long way. It is all about optical illusion, and picking a lighter shade will always make a space feel open opposed to a dark tone that will absorb light and make it seem minute. .

Pastels will always make a room appear larger due to its inviting and light characteristics. A soft tone of blue, green, or pink will allow the maximum effect. For the room not to look dull, do not be afraid to use bold colored rugs, pillows, or so forth, as this will tie the room together and make it have a splendid appearance.
As you can see, color is such a fundamental factor in a room, as it has the power of making an area look limiting or vast. It is all bout picking the right colors and combining them together to adequately form an airy, open, and elegant living space. What colors have helped you make your rooms appear bigger?